Hotel Booking System

Fast Loading Hotel Booking Platform

Our vision is to be the best partner in providing technology services to small & medium businesses.

Perfect Solution

What Features You Will Get From Us

Booking Engine

Application used by hospitality businesses to provides guests with the opportunity to reserve a property online.

Channel Manager

We offers a fully integrated channel manager solution for vacation rentals. Various portal interfaces will bring your agency even better booking results.

ProTech Assist

ProTech Chatbot For Hotels Assistance Throughout The Booking Process.

Hotel Solutions

Set Everything Up In Minutes & Enjoy Productivity Boost

Community Engagement. The more brand recognition you have, the more traffic you will drive to your website.

Easy Booking

Email Notification

ProTech ChatBot Assist

Creative App Design

Utilize Your Time At Maximum Efficiency

We have world-class, flexible support via live chat, email and phone. I guarantee that you’ll be able to have any issue resolved within 24 hours.

Web Design & Development: web design and development services have one goal in mind – to turn your website into a high-performing marketing tool for your business.

IT Consulting And Support: Our IT consulting services provide access to experienced IT consultants for projects or ongoing strategy & guidance to help your business grow.

What We Do

We Offer A Wide Range Of Strategy

Efficient Connectivity

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Innovative Solutions

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Top Performance

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Our Pricing Plan

Great Price Plan For You!

Passages of available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words.

Basic Plan

ZARFree/1 Year

Domain not included

Standard Website

Website Maintenance

Payment Gateway Assistance

Social Media Marketing & SEO

Booking Engine

No Channel Manager

​ProTech Assist

Service Charged: 20% Per Booking

Most Popular

Professional Plan



Standard Website

Website Maintenance

Payment Gateway Assistance

Social Media Marketing & SEO

Booking Engine

Channel Manager

​ProTech Assist

Service Charged: 10% Per Booking

Advance Plan



Standard Website

Website Maintenance

Payment Gateway Assistance

Social Media Marketing & SEO

Booking Engine

Channel Manager

​ProTech Assist

Service Charged: 0%

Sounds Like Progress Technology Might Be The Right Choice For Your Business?

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033 2442 5512